Take control over your crypto
Track all your cryptocurrency coins.
Free & easy. Available 5800+ cryptocurrencies.

Free cryptocurrency portfolio allows you add owned coins and watch your current NET worth grow. You will only input number of owned coins as a number. You are not transfering your coins to this website.
And you can track your investment by using free portfolio. Input how many coins do you own. And you can track your profits from any device anywhere.
There is no subscription plan. There are also no paid upgrades. Everything is fully accessible for free.
All you have to provide is your email. Verification is not required. But you are going to need access to this email for recovery of your forgoten password. To find out more about our usage of cookies visit the "Privacy Policy" section at the bottom of the page.
We are offering all the main cryptocurrencies. Currently it's 3 587 coins! More coins are added every week.
You don't need any special app. You only need website browser (eg. Chrome, Firefox, Opera...) and you can check you cryptocurrency portfolio from any device.
Submit the amount of coins that you own and how much you spent on them. That's it! Now you can watch up-to-date rates, portfolio performance and even access charts.
I created this website also for myself and I'm using it every single day. For this reason, this website will be always fully functional and new functions will always be added.
Coinparator is mainly a cryptocurrency portfolio, but it also offers a lot of handy functions. You can track current rates, convert coins to FIAT, read current news, compare exchanges or watch live streams of BTC price across any exchanges.